Game: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
System: SNES
Ugh. These movie to game video games always seem to disappoint. There really isn't much to say about this game. The only story I have for this game is that when I played it as a child I could never ever beat it. It was hard for me back then but when I played it again just now it was insanely easy. I don't know why I thought this was hard. Also, the other interesting about this game is that over my entire childhood this was the only cartridge that I sold in a yard sale. I will never forget selling this because I was very hesitant to make the decision. It sold INSTANTLY when I put it out in the driveway to be sold. I knew I would regret it and I did. That was the only game I had but got rid of because I was too young and stupid to keep it. When I became older my long lost relationship I had with it was reestablished thanks to AWA. I found it for about $5 amongst the hundreds of cartridges a dealer was selling at AWA. I came home and played it for this quest immediately. It worked and I could not be happier that I finally got my Home Alone 2 game back.
It still is a dumb game though. I don't even know how to write a review or talk about it here. Uhhh....

This idiot is running around in the different levels trying to grab you. That is instant death. His partner is in the game too.
The above picture was the house level and that level sucked. There were keys everywhere and it required exploring that whole damn house trying to find them. When you did you would then have to find the door it goes with. Behind the door is a scenario like above that you have to figure out. Once you figure it out you get another key. It is a long a tedious level.
There really isn't a boss in this game. There is one and that was the chef.
He was kind of hard because he was throwing knives at you everywhere but due to the limitations of the game he really wasn't that difficult. That was the only true boss in this game other than the final boss. Each level was based on how you progressed through the story....if you really could call it a story. You started in the hotel, ended up in the basement, then the kitchen to fight this bitch, then outside, the house, on top of the house, back outside, underground, and then in a Christmas tree.
So I guess I'll just get to the final boss. You fight Marv and Harry inside the tree.
Marv and Harry

They are actually pretty difficult to beat. You start out at the bottom of the tree and you want to get to the top, but the problem is the hopping on branches. It sucks because, again, the limitations of the game. It is finicky when you jump so you kind of jump all over the place and miss everything. Marv and Harry are hopping everywhere which is annoying. Once you do get to the top you want to hit whatever the button was to make the bird lady to drop birds down on them. They hurt both Marv and Harry. So while you are having her drop birds you want to just shoot the hell out of whoever is in front of you. The pistol will stun him for a second so I just spam attack the pistol until he dies. He will gradually inch closer to you before he becomes stunned from the pistol shot so you want to be quick. I'm going to say though that killing off one of them is almost necessary. You can't spam pistol attack both because they are jumping everywhere. The lady dropping birds really helps though. Funny thing is...I never knew she was doing anything helpful at all until much later in my years of owning this game. I actually saw one of them die from the bird directly. Cool I guess?
That's it. Movie to Game type style video games aren't always that great. This one wasn't that great. I'm just glad I own it again.