Game: Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
System: 3DS
Now this right here was my game of games. I don't know what it is but this game really enhanced my professionalism with Pokémon. I remember Diamond and Pearl truly started my love for the Pokémon series but it was this specific Alpha Sapphire that made me achieve every single pokemon, and to be introduced to fun things like Wonder Trade and battling. By playing this game I ended up getting the Pokebank for trading back and forth. I literally spent weeks with this one to accomplish the nearly impossible task of catching every single pokemon. I am lumping Pokémon Omega Ruby into this one because it is almost identical except that everything is not WATER. There would be no point in doing 2 reviews because they compliment each other and there is no serious difference. The only differences are the pokemon within the game and some of the villains. Bleh...it'll be all here.
WHERE DO I BEGIN WITH THIS??? First off I can't remember at all the pokemon that guided me through the first time I played this game. Since I have them all now it varies because I've beaten the Elite 4 plus 1 like 8372423876234 times. I do know Chesnaught was the main guy that led me through the whole game from start to end. He's the leader and a badass.
Gym Leader Roxanne

Ah yes....such patheticness. We all know how ridiculously pathetic the first gym leader is. At this point no one really can gauge whether their pokemon is proper level until you play her. I remember spending as long as I possibly could leveling my pokemon up until it became extremely tedious and annoying that way throughout the game it was nothing but maintaining. Also, I insured I had every pokemon that was able to be caught at this point. Most of the time these became my core but as you progress you get a few along the way.
Her Geodude and Nosepass were a joke. I always play every single opponent in the gym. Not once do I ever let a trainer get past me without me crushing them. I'm all about leveling up and beating it 100%.
Gym Leader Brawly

He is no harder than the first. If you go into his level 14-16 pokemon not having leveled up along the way he may be hard. I don't see how but whatever. He has a machop and a makuhita. You will discover that these 2 pokemon are extremely annoying to encounter. Fighting them here is just as annoying.
Gym Leader Wattson

I really like Mauville that he was located in. The entire city is shaped like a square with a courtyard in the middle. You can travel on top of the mall like structure and meet people up there. As far as fighting him...eh....not that exciting. He does have a higher level Magneton that gave me some issues when I played it. I feel like if you were flying through the first 2 gyms and all of the paths leading to Mauville he would be a bitch to fight. You'll learn that when I play Pokémon games there really isn't much to say because I grind so much through each path. I WILL BE THE BEST EVER.
Gym Leader Flannery

Hah, oh Pokémon and your subtle ways of inserting sexy women. I see you right now Japan. Everything in this game was normal with the characters but then WHABAM...you get the retardedly named Flannery. Who the hell names someone this? I guess it is her last name? Either way we all know that it was about now that they had to put someone sexy into the game. I mean how sexy would it be to have a hot chick on a mountain, dealing with fire pokemon, wearing all of that? I see you now! Shit. Thanks to Flannery and Japan being oh so subtle we now have...

But! Unfortunately she was nothing special. Her fire pokemon of Slugma, Turkoal, and Numel was a joke. Tactic: water pokemon. The End.
Gym Leader Norman

OMG NORMAN IS THE MAIN CHARACTER'S FATHER HOW SHOCKING. Eh.....not really. WHO CARES *kills all his pokemon* His Slaking was kind of annoying. After you beat it once and then have to turn around and beat another one. I don't know...maybe I just wasn't where I needed to be when I fought them. Keep in mind that I have never died or lost in a Pokémon game. It is tradition and I will do what I have to to prevent ever losing. I guess that is why I go to the extremes to grind and progress slowly. This game is literally a 2 year game play. lol.
Gym Leader Winona

Hahaha, looking for her pictures I found nothing sexy. UGLY AS SHIT WHO CARES. People are too funny when they create pictures of game characters. I mean Winona is a female. She isn't dressed that hot but I guess because of that SHE IS UGLY SCREW HER. WE NEED MORE FLANNERY. Ugh, I can't stand that name.
Anyways, I honestly don't remember this battle. I do remember her pokemon were around 30-35 I think. She had flying pokemon and whenever I battling flying ones it was super easy. I do know that I one hit KOed each of hers. She was located in Fortree City which I found to be such a strange city. Do you realize how annoyed I was to not be able to get past that one section because the pokemon was INVISIBLE. Dumb.
Gym Leaders Liza & Tate

Oh I remember them. Hahaha, this battle was an absolute joke. After having gone through the desert, which by the way I hate with a passion in games, I come to Mossdeep City to fight these 2 bitches. So this is why this was a joke. The game designers thought it'd be a great idea to put out a Lunatone and a Solrock together........at once......that's it. They have no other pokemon. Idiot! What did I do and I remember this so vividly.
The End.
Me: ....................................eh?
Yes! That was the biggest joke of a gym leader ever. It was over before it began. I can honestly tell you I have no idea how hard they would have been. They both were level 45.
Gym Leader Wallace

As I was finding a picture I just read he is actually a beautiful girl named Miku. ............um......ok? Who is Miku? Anyways, this is where shit got real in the game. Before you fight him you go through this epic awakening of whatever pokemon is on the front of your game. Rain was everywhere in mine and shit was seriously going down. The whole being able to go underwater was extremely dope. I loved how they integrated that into this game. It led to a whole new depth to the pokemon franchise. As far as this guy.....or girl.....goes his Milotic was a pain in the ass. I was more interested in the crazy crap that was going on around me. I believe he helps me with all of the CHAOS going on after you kick his ass.

After you beat all of the gym leaders you have the ability to basically go wherever you want to prepare for the final Elite 4 plus 1. Calling them Elite 4 is a LIE. You always fight 4 and then the "champion" bitch. I don't really know what to say about preparing for the Elite 4 plus 1 because there is so much you can do within the game. After you beat them and become the champion the real adventure begins because it unlocks methods of catching rare pokemon. When I play these games I anticipate beating these mother fuckers so I can finally start my quest to get every pokemon. I assure I WILL NOT go into detail on catching all 23875478423 pokemon. I'd be writing forever.
I hate having to put the Elite 4 plus 1 here in the review because I literally have these 5 down to a tee. I fought them so many times leveling my pokemon up that there is no challenge whatsoever with these idiots. There is nothing to say. I know each pokemon's weakness and exactly what to hit them with for a one hit KO. As a matter of fact I've gotten all the way to the champion without ever being hit. The champion is a bitch to beat so I can't claim to have never been hit at all. These 5 become a real nuisance after you beat them once because UNKNOWN TO ME every time beyond the first time you beat them all their pokemon levels go WAY UP. Yes, I refought the Elite 4 plus 1 without being prepared for 50+ level pokemon. It was a serious challenge because I was unprepared. I really thought I was going to lose for the first time ever....but....nah.

I always thought he had a little bit of everything with his pokemon until I realized many battles later that they all were dark. Either it was a dark pokemon or a dark pokemon with something else...grass and water I think. I destroyed him pretty quickly.

Ghost pokemon!! YES!!! I saw the ghost in the chair. The greatest part of this little easter egg is the fact that I saw all of it without ever knowing this was here. I read about it long after I beat her the first time. I honestly thought my game was glitching out when I fought her. I was playing it for 237854234 hours before I got to her. Maybe my game was overheating? Heh, I wonder if it would glitch out from overheating. Do games do this?
Meh, her pokemon weren't hard. The Dusknoir was kind of hard when I first fought her. Not really.


Yes. You play Elsa from Frozen. I do not see this person any different from Elsa. I wonder which design came first. Glacia is an ice pokemon trainer and Elsa is just.....ice. Her pokemon were really easy too. You put out a good ole fire pokemon and kick back while you end her absolute nonsense of a STUPID FROZEN SONG LET IT GOOOO LET IT GOOO STOOOOOPPPP JKWBFOYVR *dies*

Ugly as shit. At this point if you did not over train you'd be kind of in need to heal up your pokemon. You are supposed to heal up after each battle but if you are that good than I would guess now would be that refresher point. I don't have much to say about him. He has dragon pokemon and I did not feel that he was too hard. I remember it feels good once you beat him because we all know the champion is a pain in the ass.
Steven Stone

OH MMMM GGGG. It was your friend. T_T No one saw that coming. Sigh.... I remember he was an absolute pain in the ass. It wasn't so much that his pokemon were a problem...it was his damn Metagross. When I first played him I struggled so hard fighting him. This is a true story but I ended up having every single one of my pokemon die except for one. I was devastated because this was the moment that I would lose. I've gone this far playing Pokémon and right now with this stupid ass Metagross...I would lose.
I ended up beating him. It was one of those attack, heal, attack, heal, HEAL HEAL OH SHIT HEAL, attack, heal...etc. I did beat him and it concluded my quest of defeating all of the gym leaders. Woo hoo yay!
OH BUT WAIT HOLD ON. The Pokémon team decided to do an DELTA EPISODE 1. Of course, like always, there has yet to be an episode 2. Why name something episode 1 if there are no plans to get to episode 2 or further. I liked the concept of this delta episode because throughout it you are doing everything you can to stop a meteor from hitting Earth. Of course the only people on the planet that care are right here in Hoenn but YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO THINK ABOUT THOSE THINGS. The only problem with this delta episode was the fact that it had you traveling all over the damn map. It was long, tedious, and you had to fight everyone everywhere. I remember just having to fly to so many places to fight so many PEOPLE. It was tiring but if completed you were rewarded with the opportunity to catch Rayquaza and Deoxys. Me being smart with my master ball I used it on Deoxys. Fuck trying to weaken him at level 50 and accidently killing him. Remember, you have to first catch Rayquaza and then immediately go into battle with Deoxys. Yeah...I used the Master Ball. Whatever. No regrets.
The part I really liked about this add on to the game was...

...this hoe. She talked backwards, future tense, etc. She was a nutcase and that is my type of girl. I liked everything about her. She was easy to defeat but she was a badass bitch.
The eyes of psycho.
So that pretty much concludes my review of this game. I spent so many months playing this exact game to catch every last pokemon in existence. I remember sitting on a place playing the Elite 4 plus 1 over and over to level up the high end evolution pokemon. I am a true Pokémon diehard fan and I love it. I really wish they would come out with a new one because I am ready to play this again. Now that I have every single pokemon I am so incredibly ready to move forward with any new ones they develop. I even have Volcanion from methods that WONT BE DISCUSSED. No I didn't cheat. I DONT HOWEVER have Hoopa. I'm kind of pissed about this one too because they just did a promotion at McDonalds where you could download it onto the game from their Wifi. I forgot. :( I have no idea how I'm going to get this pokemon unless I Wonder Trade for all eternity to catch it. I guess a time will come when another event will yield this pokemon or it'll be in the next game. Either way, I am caught up and don't have to go back to catch anymore. Catching random pokemon days are over. It is about beating the game and adding new ones!
I give this game a 10 out of 10 and recommend everyone to play it. The 3D is awesome and the new components they added are awesome. I really hope they continue remaking older games. I've never played the old ones. The only one I played from the original days was Pokémon Yellow. I never owned Red or Blue...or any of the other ones. I started seriously playing from Diamond/ Pearl on. I own them though and will go through each at some point in life. Hint hint...my friend Suretha and I will be nuzlocking Pokémon Yellow in the near future!
Who cares though because by the time anyone reads this it'll be long LONG over. Oh well. Love this game!!!