Kung Fu

Game: Kung Fu
System: NES

Are they serious with this game? This game is that ultimate BULL. How did anyone get into this? At first it was like OK...kill everything in the room. UGH. Once you reach the upper floors you die so freakin quick. Of course we all know that NES games don't know what save files are so.....sigh. BUT, I don't know how I managed to beat this. Yes, the limitations of the game made this way more impossible then it needed to be but damn...this game was bullshit. I wish it was a kill everything in the room with an actual chance to win game. Nope. Just Bull.
Basically the game works as a floor to floor system. You get through one floor and go up the stairs to the next floor. As you escalate through the building the bullshit gets worse and worse. I hate the fact that as you luckily, somehow, get to the upper top floors you die quickly due to the difficult boss. You have to start the whole building over. It is a true challenge to beat this game but thanks to luck I suppose...I won and I can forever put this game away.

Boss 1: This bitch.

Uh...hit him. Avoid sword.

Boss 2: This bitch.

You know what....fuck this boss. I'm not even going to get a picture of him. He has a boomerang and he throws it at you. Duck. Kick and kill. The End. Whatever.

Boss 3: This bitch.

Duck and kick. Dead. This game is so frustrating yet so easy to explain.

Boss 4: This bitch.

I guess he's a monkey?? Donkey Kong? He is more annoying because he throws crap and he disappears and reappears. Just avoid and hit him. Dumb.


Mr. X.       Aka: This Bitch.

Super easy. Just approach him and hit every button. He blocks but as long as you are striking he is blocking. He can't block forever so when he drops his guard I land a hit. That's about it. He spends more time blocking then attacking. Whatever.

After that you save the woman in red.

After all of that bullshit you find out her name is Sylvia and his name is Thomas. ALL OF THAT TO SAVE THIS GIRL. WOW.

Fuck her. Fuck this game. It's hard as hell.