Gaming Rules

This is very important because there are different types of games that can cause complication of completing. I will establish the rules here as I go through different types of game play.

- The game must be a level to level format where there is a defined ending to a world, area, whatever. It must have a final boss. Geometry Dash is a game where there are just infinite levels of difficulty. There is no ending. New levels will be coming out as long as the game is popular. These style games will count as beat if a certain level is achieved. It depends on the game. Farmville can never be beaten. It is a game that If proof that the game is mastered then I will count it. 

- A game must be beaten at 100% or higher. I hate this rule but with most games there is a way you can get to the final boss and beat it without ever hitting any of the other bosses. I see you Super Mario 64. How can one really count a game as being beaten if you haven't endured the full qualities it has to offer? There will be exceptions here and there with this depending on the crucial need to beat certain aspects of a game. Ultimately though, it needs to reflect 100% or more beaten.

- Remakes. Sigh. I hate remakes because the newer one always has things the original did not. If I spend 47 years beating Zelda Majora's Mask and then they come out with a DS remake, thanks a lot for that, then why should I have to go through the pain of getting the minute crap they added? It's more or less the same. Now with some games going through the remake is important because it is entirely different or there are things that are fun to beat in it. Super Mario 64 is WAY DIFFERENT than the remake on the DS. I have to play both because the stars are placed in different spots and new characters and elements were added. Many of the remakes they did from SNES/ NES to Gameboy were just plain stupid. I'm not replaying a game on the Gameboy just to gather coins that do nothing and were not on the original. It really just depends.

- Pokémon games. Lol. This game gets its own rule. Everyone must understand that with this game I play it religiously. I am a HUGE INSANE pokemon player. Every game that comes out I buy because I MUST legitimately catch them all. With that being said, my pokedex and boxes that contain each pokemon are considered a 'living dex.' Pokémon games always come out in two's. I WILL NOT be playing the counterpart to completion just to count it. I will play one and use the counterpart to help me with the first one. Sometimes that may require me to beat the Elite 4 in which case to me that is a legitimate win. Sometimes it won't. It will be counted as a complete. NOW, the older games I've never played. I must beat the Elite 4 to count them. It won't be about capturing pokemon but rather beating the gym leaders.

- There is no death rule. I'm not trying to make this quest impossible. If I get 2345762342 continues because the game is BS then oh well. The point is to just beat it to completion. Some games must be played through without ever getting a game over. Those suck but it is a necessary.

- Sport games such as football, racing, golf, whatever. I've debated for so long about how to handle these. I am not about to play an entire football season just to beat the super bowl so I can call it complete. I'd never get through any sport game. I think with sport games it is a matter of experience and mastery. If I play Mario Kart and unlock all of the tracks then that should be a complete. As long as I played each track and didn't lose miserably then you've gained the experience needed to understand the game. I think with football, soccer, etc games a few wins should be sufficient. If I play FIFA and win 2-3 soccer games then great. Complete. That shows some type of mastery. I do know some sport games I will play to complete the championship just because I love the game. Wii Sports...hah...yeah I'm not playing every single sport to get gold. I'll play each sport and get a feel for a few...but I'm not going for world records.