Game: Donkey Kong Land
System: Gameboy
I was so excited about this game. I have never owned this game. I never knew this game existed. I remember I was at the AWA convention and saw this for sale. I was shocked and HAD TO BUY IT. I saved it though and decided to play within this quest to play every game. It was so exciting to finally feel that new game excitement where OMG there is another one in the series of ones I used to play as a child. This game literally follows my childhood favorite Donkey Kong Country. Are you serious? It felt so strange to just continue on with new levels, bosses, and worlds from one of my favorite games ever. It was an odd game there because you could really feel the limitations of the Gameboy. There weren't that many sprites and the jumping mechanic sucked. I am an extreme pro at barrel shooting on Donkey Kong but in this game....geeeez. There was a delay in when I shot out of the barrel. So the game was hard only because of the limitation of game mechanics rather then the difficulty itself.
I will say though that there is one level where I was on a platform that moved in a direction based upon how I jumped. THAT LEVEL SUCKED. It was hell. I died so many times on that level because the platform would not go the direction I wanted it. At the same time I have to jump on these flying pig things while not falling off of the platform. ON TOP OF THAT....if you got a game over there was no save point anywhere near that level. So I had to replay the levels before this hell level just to repeat the dying. I gave up playing this game at that level too. Eventually I laid down on the bed and just played until I won no matter how long it took. Woo.
Boss 1: Wild Sting

He was pathetic. It flies down at you and you jump on it. He dies after a few hits.
Boss 2: Giant Clam

He was also pathetic. Let the clam kill itself. He shoots a pearl at the other clam and it rebounds back to him. All I do is swim around all of the suicide actions.
Boss 3: Hard Hat

He comes out of the hole. He throws the hat. You jump on his head. There is not much else to it.
Final Boss: King K. Rool

They screwed something up with K. Rool in this battle. Why is he super small?? It's like fighting miniature K. Rool. He did more or less the same thing as the first Donkey Kong game for the SNES. He threw his crown and ran back and forth. What made this harder was the jumping. I could not get the pattern down for awhile but once I did he became very easy. But why so small????
Overall the game was meh. It only had 4 bosses. The worlds were longer but still. Meh.