Game: Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark Hand
System: Gameboy
Sigh....WHY? I was going through my games and came across this. I haven't the slightest clue where this game came from. I never bought it. It was never given to me. YET, here it is. So I decided why not? There is only one thing you need to know about this game. PRESS B. That's it. Every enemy that spawns, press B. Every item in the game, press B. Every boss battle, press B. As you go through each stage doing just this it becomes EXTREMELY TEDIOUS. There is nothing to say about the levels. They are same and you press B to kill the enemies. The ninja guys are cool but again....press B.
Boss 1: Hak Foo

He looks awesome, but very easy to beat. All you need to do is just stay far enough away so he won't attack you. His hits take a lot of damage. Hit him...back up....hit him....back up. Classic.
Boss 2: Wind Demon

This is a Pokémon gone wrong. Just stay behind him as much as possible. If you remain in front of him he'll suck you in and blow you back out. It takes a lot of damage so...stay behind him.
Boss 3: Valmont

He also looks kind of awesome. Just keep your distance. It was the same strategy as Hak Foo. Hit him and back up. Hit him and back up. You fight him twice in this game and both times it was easy.
Boss 4: Moon Demon

I thought this guy was one of the coolest villains anywhere. He was super difficult at first. You have those shadow ninja things everywhere messing me up and this guy you couldn't hit until the moon was covered. He was crazy hard because I couldn't figure out why I wasn't able to land a hit. He shoots these electric things that take HUGE damage. I stayed in the corner and fought the ninjas until the opportune moment to run in and get a hit. He was quite a surprise to fight after everything else was easy. He looks awesome!
Boss 5: Hak Foo

And then we fight this idiot again. Nothing changes in this battle.
Boss 6: Water Demon

Hit it when you can and avoid the edges.
Final Boss: Shendu

This guy was hard has hell to beat. He is no joke. If you are anywhere near him he will kill you. If you hide in the corner and kill the shadow ninja guys then you get nowhere at all with him. Every time I approached him he would hit me which took a huge amount of damage. The only way I actually beat him was by button mashing and hovering slightly behind him and up a little. He kept trying to reposition himself giving me more time to hit him. It was a simple matter of who will die first. One of the times it was me thus me ending this game for good.