Game: The Legend of Zelda
System: NES
This game was impossible. I remember I avoided this game like the plague because I knew how impossible it would be. I could never figure out where to go, or what I was doing. Nothing made sense. I always died because I was always doing the wrong thing. It was a nightmare. Well, I finally sat down and decided to just go ahead and beat from start to end. I started the game at around 5 pm and ended it somewhere around 1:30 am. Lol. There were breaks! I had to carefully figure out what to do without cheating from the internet...so it took time. Sadly I already knew where the secret areas were to use the flame on. *shrugs* I can't unknow something I know. I did beat it and overall it is another necessary game to play. If you are a Zelda fan then you must play this. This is its roots again. You can't be a fan and not have beaten this game. I am a huge Zelda fan and I felt like a disgrace having never played this. Now I have and it feels good. I still feel like a disgrace because I've never played The Legend of Link...Zelda 2 but we are getting there. I'm avoiding that one like the plague too.

These are all of the dungeons in the game. I'm not going to put this in order because there really isn't an order. I went into one dungeon and when I felt it was too hard I left and found another one. I'm sure there is a specific order to make it easier but what's the fun in that. I died a lot going into a wrong dungeon or just heading in an area I wasn't ready yet on the map. There is only one dungeon that is worth talking about and that is...

Thanks a lot Nintendo for this crap. I lost count of how many times I died in dungeon 6. WHY SO MANY WIZZROBES???? Come on! Every time I died I would go in and out of the dungeon killing those 4 legged things outside of the dungeon that I don't remember the names too just to refill my health. This dungeon was hell. I don't know how I got through this level and I doubt I could do it again. Once I beat this I forever put this dungeon away. F that.

I didn't think he was that hard. Just avoid his fire and hit him. Since he doesn't move that far put a bomb and kill him on the spot. Dumb.

I thought he was dumb too. Just avoid hitting him at all cost and put bombs in front of his face. Didn't it take like 3 bombs and he was dead?

Dumb name but somewhat difficult boss. If you can manage to place the bomb in the center you can knock out all 4 arms at once and kill him. Of course...since I am far from a pro it took a few bombs to kill him. The many shots he fired sucked so you want to knock those arms off quickly.
You've got to love Gleeok. He has a cool name. He is a dragon. And if you lose your full power sword throwing ability then you are screwed. He is really easy to kill if you are at full power but if you have to do close up combat he can be hard. 3 heads my friend. 3 heads.

Oh these names. If you don't know what to do then you are good as dead. I died a lot because I didn't know what to do. Eventually I just used every item I had and found out that some whistle made him smaller. Thanks for letting me know that earlier Nintendo. Once he is small he is a simple few hits and dead.

He was actually very easy. Just don't get hit and wait until he opens his eye. Shoot and he'll be dead. I knew this would be an arrow situation thanks to future Zelda games and all of the times I had to beat Gohma in them.
Final Boss: Ganon

Now I was very surprised by this final boss. I must have hit every exact point I was supposed to because I killed him VERY quickly. Every time he appeared I shot him with a light arrow. I think I was just very lucky when I played because when I killed him I was like "...wait...that's it?" I think overall he was lame. His dungeon was way worse than him. Get ready to get lost a lot in that dungeon.
Oh boy! We saved Zelda!!! LET ME TELL YOU....SHE IS A HOT ONE TOO!!!