Game: Super Mario Bros 3
System: NES
I know. Everyone thought this game was the best ever. This was when Mario really took shape into what it is now. I actually was never a big fan of this game. I like it, don't get me wrong but....sigh...it was hard in an annoying way. The final world was very annoying because of the tanks. The fly ships were cool but I hated how if you died you'd have to chase all over the map to find it. That sometimes was not easy. I love how it was this game that really gave birth to the Koopa family. I think they did a better job of the Koopas than in Super Mario World. I don't like how this game was all an act. It was done in front of a theater stage. I don't know. I just felt this game was very repetitive. No level really stood out except the final world. Those levels were hard. I always saved my P flying for the very end with the tanks and flying tank ships. I've beaten them before without the P but why do that when I can be cheap and fly over it. Yes, I've gotten all flutes. Duck behind the white platform.
Boss 1: Larry Koopa

Meh. Hit his head. How is that these bosses look so much better than the Super Mario World ones? I feel like these bosses look more like their character. They did well with these designs.
Boss 2: Morton Koopa Jr.

Wait, jr?? So he is the son of Morton Koopa on Super Mario World? Isn't Morton Koopa Bowser's son? That would make him his grandson. Interesting. I'm pretty sure they are the same koopa but if you are going to put jr in this game and not jr in the next one then WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO THINK??? More importantly, who did Bowser bang to have so many children? They can't all be Peach's. I guess that makes Peach the mistress. :)
Boss 3: Wendy O. Koopa

Hahahaha. There is no picture of this girl online. I know she is ugly as shit but......shit. I remember she shot rings which were annoying.
Boss 4: Roy Koopa

So he started as pink and went blue....then back to pink. Oh Nintendo.
Boss 5: Lemmy Koopa

I remember he was hard because he bounced. Not sure what else to say.
Boss 6: Ludwig Von Koopa

I have no idea what to say here. I know this is a really bad commentary on this game but I really don't have anything to say about this game. There were flutes and a P power up. K.
Wait....my boy Iggy. Hah, I forgot to include my boy Iggy. I created this website after I played this game so that is why it is all past tense. I will probably have more commentary as I upload games after this website is built.

MAH BOY IGGY. No, I'm not going to go back and research what world he is from or what boss number he is. One of them up there is wrong. Oh well. Too lazy and tired and really not feeling this game. I know...I suck. How could you not feel such a fantastic Mario game??!?!?!?!? I don't know.
Final Boss: Bowser
I liked this idea for Bowser. He seems more personal. He's an idiot for trying to jump on me but I felt like we were more involved in a fight. Again though, here I am trying to take his mistress.

THIS RIGHT HERE....is enough proof to say Peach does not want to be rescued. "Nah Mario...whoever you are looking for ain't here. I'm chillin with Bowser. We just painted the walls pink so I'm really gonna need you to chill out with this saving people shit and hit up another castle or something. Nothing to see here...Ha ha ha! Bye bye."

....Princess Daisy? Daaaaammnn Bowser. He knows how to get all the hoes.

Nah man...you screwed up badly leaving this hoe for Peach. I see you right now Daisy.