Game: Disney's Aladdin
System: SNES
This was one of my first games ever on the SNES. Super Mario World was the first one I owned but this was the first one I ever played. It has been over 20 years since I have played this game. I'll never forget running down to my friend's house to see if we could play this exact game. I can't believe after 2 decades I finally am a proud owner of this game. SUCH GOOD MEMORIES. I just finished beating it and it makes me laugh at how its so easy to beat, but OMG this game was absolutely impossible when you are around 8 years old. I just become so excited about playing this game it makes me giddy inside. I am slightly tempted to just blow on the cartridge and pop this one back in for another go around. Why not!?
I don't really know how to write about this game because there aren't really bosses in this game, but I will just write about the levels I guess.
The Market Place
This is the first few stages of the game. Just writing about this is making me excited again. I don't know what it is about this game that makes me want to play this 23576235423 times in a row. I guess my childhood excitement from my far past is creeping back up to remind of how great this game is. Market Place was where it all started. You run around town and jump on enemies heads! Grab the gems, bread, and half bug pendant thing. Love this game!
The Cave of Wonders

You run around and just be awesome. These levels were kind of difficult because of the logs you had to ride around on. It still was epic the feel of this level. I don't know what to say about the cave of wonders except that Abu decides to steal the forbidden treasure and f's up everything around him. That leads into...
Escape from the Cave of Wonders

The famous carpet ride!!! You wander around the gold jewels before you meet the carpet but once you reach this carpet escape you realize how much this level sucks. It is hard because you have to avoid the lava and avoid running into anything. Can you imagine playing this at 8 years old? This is some hardcore gaming right here! When I was young this would be that frustration point where I'd die every single time I got here. Hahaha. I still agree with my younger self though. This stage sucks still.
Inside the Genie's Lamp

You just can't go wrong when you are inside the Genie's lamp. This level brought back great memories of the movie and of course one of my favorite actors ever...Robin Williams. These stages aren't easy either because you really need the cloth to parachute yourself everywhere. I did die on one of these stages and it sucked because I had to find the cloth again. It was hiding behind a cloud or something.
The Pyramid

This is where things started to get real right now. You had to do a lot of tricky things in these stages because this was where it was at. Hahaha. I don't know much to say about the pyramid. You solve the puzzles and reach the end of the level. The exciting thing about this was the fact that as an 8 year old I was never good enough to get to this level. ALL NEW LEVELS FOR ME!!!
A Whole New World

No. Don't even get me started with this level. I'm already hearing the song in my head. Thanks a lot. This song will forever be stuck in my head for the next few days. Fantastic level. You fly around the screen and get as many emeralds and gems as you can. IT'S A WHOLE NEW WOOOOORRRLLLLDDD.....A DAZZLING PLACE I NEEE......STOP IT. NOO. AWAY WITH YOU AND YOUR EPIC DISNEY MAGIC.
Jafar's Palace

Fire everywhere. Lava. Bosses. I was pretty excited to be here because yet again...never made it this far as a kid. I knew the end was coming and boy did it feel fantastic.

This is the first time you fight him because you will fight him again later. He is not all that hard. He will hover in the sky and shoot lightning bolts down and throw flying pots at you. They are very easy to dodge. The trick to hit him is when he hovers down to the center and throws his scepter at the ground. You jump over the shockwave and land on Jafar's head. That is pretty much it because he repeats those patterns. Once he disappears as if he is dead you go to the right and face Jafar again as his final form....
Cobra Jafar

How awesome looking is this boss? Granted he is way easier than his first form but that's ok. I still thought fighting him was awesome. He only did 3 things in this battle. Thing 1 was to shoot 2 rocks at you. Avoid them. Thing 2 was to move his tail up and down below and above the lava line. Jump when it goes into the lava. Thing 3 was to leap his head out at you. When he does that you just jump on his head. After a few repetitions he will be dead. Simple as that!
I love this game, and yes I've beaten it with all of the emeralds. It changes the credits. I am so tempted to pop this game into my console and play it again. I don't know why I have such a passion for this game. Such a good thing to be passionate about. (I am a big fan of the movie Aladdin ^_^)