Game: New Super Mario Bros.
System: 3DS
Sigh. I honestly hate doing reviews on Mario games because they are all basically the same. I'm kind of glad they made the Mario Maker for the Wii U because they can kind of get away from these repetitive games. Don't expect a lot of review or things to say because most everyone can agree Mario games are fairly easy...side scrolling I mean.
There are worlds. Within those worlds there are levels. Within those levels you are Mario. Beat the bosses and save princess peach from Bowser for the 2000000000000000000000000 time. Woo. Also Mario gets big from a large mushroom. Sigh.
World 1
It is a grass level and there is nothing exciting about it.
Boss: Bowser

Yeah, he is boss 1 in the first world. I don't know why we fight this bitch so early in the game. Oh well. We kicked is ass early.
World 2
It's the desert level. Bullshit starts to appear in this world because you need to be mini Mario to get some of the secret levels.
Boss: Mummipokey

This dumbass is easy. You just need to hit his head. There is a catch with this bitch and that is to get to one of the secret worlds you have to beat him as mini Mario. It actually sucks more then expected because getting the mini mushroom is a pain in the ass.
World 3
It is the island world. Um........yes.
Boss: Cheepskipper

Jump on his head as he jumps out. That's....about it.
World 4
It's the forest world. The poison water sucks.
Boss: Mega Goomba

Do I really have to say something here? Stomp on him.
World 5
Ice world. Yes.
Boss: Petey Piranha

This is another one of those you have to beat both as large and mini Mario. There is nothing difficult about him. Being mini Mario carries its own difficulty so I guess that makes it somewhat hard.
World 6
It is the rocky world and I don't remember much about it. Easy.
Boss: Monty Tank

This bitch right here was actually hard to me. I don't know why he posed such an issue when I fought him. I guess it was just the method of his fighting because bullets were going everywhere and I could get on top of him. I died a few times because after you die once you are small every time you fight him. He was annoying.
World 7
It is a sky world and it is super SUPER EXCITING. Woohoo. So much difference!!! -_-
Boss: Lakithunder

Hah, I actually like this idea of a boss. It is like a lakitu that went seriously wrong. I feel like there should be more of these in the Mario world. Have the common enemy but when you give it some kind of dark....thing...mushroom?...it turns ultimate form. It could be kind of like Pokémon. LAKITU MEGA FORM. He was easy but I like the idea.
World 8
It is a purple forest mixed with the castle overworld. oooooo so scary. This world is longer than other worlds and the levels here are kind of harder than others. I know getting all of the bonus coins suck in this world.
FINAL BOSS: Bowser, Mini Bowser, Dry Bowser

This is the first part of the final boss. Bowser is still not that difficult. You just need to avoid his fire balls and the little bitch bowser jr jumping all around. I took care of little bitch first and then bowser. OR, you can ignore all of it and just find away around them to hit the skull hammer thing. Whichever. Easy as shit.

Then you get to fight this motherfucker. Dry Bowser is no scarier than Bowser. He shoots blue fireballs and jumps more. *shrugs* I love the concept of Dry Bowser though. It's like Mega evolution for Bowser. Hah, Cat Bowser is an evolution form too in my eyes. Sigh, I obviously play way too much Pokémon.
After you beat the boss than yay....again........you save Peach Bitch. I've said it a thousand and BILLIONS of times that Peach DOES NOT want to saved. For the amount of times she has been captured there has to be an attraction to Bowser. By this time I would have the largest force imaginable against Bowser. We all know he is going to capture that hoe again. Just go with it Peach. Just go with it.

Yeah....baby Bowser needs a babysitter. You know the Bowser family loves her. I love this picture. Kudos to whoever created it. Boring game though.