Game: Mega Man X2
System: SNES
Oh the infamous Mega Man X2 game. I went my entire childhood playing Mega Man X and never once knowing they made a second one. The crazy thing is that if I had known this game existed when I was young I would have bought this in a heartbeat. I loved Mega Man X. It was the only Mega Man game I could actually beat. For some reason I just am not good at the Mega Man series. I don't know what it is but no matter how much I play or adapt to it I always lose. If only I knew this game existed back then because I think the original of Mega Man X2 is over $200 a cartridge. It became super rare for some reason. I'm glad the virtual console had this game on the Wii U because there is no way you are going to catch me spending $200+ on any game. The only game I ever spent money on was Super Mario RPG and that wasn't that much money. I bought it for $60 I think.
Anyways, Mega Man X2 to me was a disappointment. I held such great passion for the first one and when I played this I felt they made the game way too hard and way too pointless. I didn't get the story. I didn't like any of the bosses. Nothing connected and I really didn't like it. It was way too hard especially at the end. It's good to be difficult but to be nearly impossible is just stupid. A lot of you are probably thinking that this game wasn't difficult at all, which is fine. Cool! But, I am already very bad at Mega Man games so this one just seemed difficult for no reason. Most Mega Man games were difficult due to the capacity of the game and it being old....aside from Yellow Devil which was difficult to be annoying....but this game was unnecessarily difficult. I'm glad to own a copy of it digitally. $7.99. I am very glad I don't have to pay $200+ for it. I would be pissed.
Wheel Gator
Sigh. Stupid name. He looks stupid. Everything about this level and him was stupid. I will however give him credit for difficulty. It took me a lot of deaths to figure out how to beat him. He does this hide in the oil and pop out to attack you move that did a HELL OF A LOT OF DAMAGE. Stay away from the oil and avoid him when he is about to attack you from the underneath the oil.
Bubble Crab
I remember this level sucked because it was underwater. I just remember there being A LOT of space as I went through this level. I think I was supposed to be fighting a submarine or something. I of course avoided the submarine and went everywhere else that consisted of a lot of space. Once you reach the boss he wasn't that difficult to me. His weakness is the wheel gator spin wheel attack. It breaks his bubble and hurts him a lot. Do not let him hit you though because it deals a lot of damage. Avoid him and drop a spin wheel. Not much to it.
Flame Stag
RUN. Hahaha. This level had a lot of running. Things were falling and you had to climb a lot. It was easy though. The boss was so incredibly insulting. Nintendo completely screwed up with this boss. First off, if anyone has ever played Mega Man X the first one all you need to know is Sigma. JUMP FROM WALL A TO WALL B. REPEAT. The sad part is that if you manage to get him to do this then you've already screwed up. Nintendo made a fatal mistake with him because if you hit him once he shoots fire out that can be easily jumped over. You jump over it and fire again. The End. This is an endless loop until he dies. Once you hit him he throws fire. Yay for me for an easy boss!
Morph Moth
UGH. OMG...this bitch right here I hated. All you need is the fire attack and he burns. The concept of his weakness and what it does makes perfect sense but OH MY SHIT....WHYYYY was this guy so damn hard? The first half the boss was a pain until you figure out the pattern. It was the second half that was a pain in the ass. I couldn't stand his damn pollen crap he dropped. He floated around so much dropping that pollen and shooting his laser that I'd be dead in a matter of seconds. I hated this guy because when I restarted the boss after dying I would never have the fire power, which is crucial in the first half. Someone did tell me his pollen never reaches the edge of the screen so I could just chill there.
-_- I'm not refighting him to find out.
Magna Centipede
I couldn't find a picture of him so this is the closest I could get. This level sucked a lot as well. As you near the boss battle there is this room where you have to run fast as hell as blocks fall from the ceiling. I hated this because at the same time you were being targeted by some....TARGET. If you were caught in the target then the mini boss machine......thing.....
....this....became exponentially harder. He was apparently "analyzing your weaknesses and powers". So the more the target caught you the harder he became. He sucked too. I remember he was a doozy to beat. Aside from him directly after you fight the boss. As normal, I'd be nearly dead with no power whatsoever going into the boss. LUCKILY, I found a nifty little trick to beating magna centipede. I discovered this all on my own too and he became stupidly easy. Once you get the morph moth attack where it shoots in 4 directions all you have to do is make sure one of those 4 projectiles hits him. Every time you hit him he disappears. Perfect! If he appeared in front of me I'd simply shoot him and he'd disappear again. If he appeared on the roof I'd turn around and shoot the ground. The projectile would be perfectly aligned to hit him on the roof. So literally I never moved an inch when fighting this boss. As long as he disappeared when he was struck I would just need to know if I should shoot in front of me or behind me. Easy!
Crystal Snail
At first I thought this guy was really hard but like with most bosses I figured out the pattern with him. All you have to do is just stick to the walls. I avoided the water/ice things he shot out and kept hitting him when he stopped spinning. When he spins towards you at the ground just jump slide over him. It sucked to be frozen but by the time he finished his spinning animation you were unfrozen. Now when he starts making the screen do that slow crap it becomes kind of annoying but like before...just avoid everything and don't touch him. I did not think he was that hard. I heard you can knock his shell off with his weakness attack but I didn't. I saw no reason too.
Overdrive Ostrich
For real? I mean look him. Come on Nintendo...this is a mega man game and you are creating this? The looks aren't even the worst part. This was another Nintendo screw up as far as difficulty goes. Maybe he was intended for you to beat him first know me....realize that after I've beaten every boss. Sigh. When you hit him he jumps and 4 things fall down to the ground. Don't be in its path and you won't get hit. REPEAT. Sometimes he will run at you but with that you must do a classic....JUMP OVER HIM. That's pretty much it. I saw no need to use any weakness on him. He's an idiot and so is this stage. Speaking of stage, this stage was the one with the almost impossible to get heart container. Yeah...that was a fuck that heart container. You had to keep the impossible to control speed bike from crashing and then perfectly jump up to a floor of spikes. Drive over the spikes and QUICKLY...yes quickly....turn around before hitting the wall of spikes. You die if you do that. The heart container is sitting right in front of the wall. KNOWING ME....I was in absolute panic trying not to crash the speed bike and when I got up to those spikes it was a OMG I MADE IT OMG THERES THE HEART CONTAINER YES *REALIZES THERE IS A SPIKE WALL* *PRESSES 3284752635423 BUTTONS TO TURN AROUND BUT MANAGES TO HIT THE SPIKE WALL HEAD ON* DEAD. I think that was the only heart container I did not get.
NOW....there was another element to this game. Apparently there were secret areas of some stages where you could fight the X Hunters as a side boss. I remember seeing the doors to go fight these hunters but my logic was.....that looks like an intimidating door...let me go around it and avoid it at all cost. So I never once played any of the X hunters in the secret fighting stages. Of course had to fight them after you beat the main bosses. So let's get into the last few bosses of the game. This is when the bullshit of this game began.
He was hard but I didn't think he was that hard. He has this massive ball that goes all around the screen which causes a great deal of damage, but there are these platforms that I kind of hung around. He looks a lot harder then he actually is. He didn't hit me as much as I thought he would with the ball thanks to the 2 platforms. Now when he jumped and shot at me I was hit every time. Not a big deal boss.
I don't even know what to say about this guy. He is an asshole and nearly impossible. At this point I was severely giving up on this game. You are on these platforms that are moving up and down. At the same time he is shooting this green balls that blast outwards at you. So as you are dodging the green balls WHILE staying on the platforms you are trying to shoot him, but he's an asshole and moves up and down the machine so you can never hit him. That's not even talking about trying to get rid of his 4 gun shooters before you actually fight him. I hated this boss and he might be a massive influence of why I don't like this guy. I don't remember any boss in Mega Man X that was just annoying and made me really dislike this game. Go fight him right now and you'll be hating life.
I don't know what to say about him either. He sucked a lot because I never really found a good strategy against him. I just jumped wherever and shot everything I had at him. I depleted my sub tanks but he is insanely difficult for no reason so I had too. He also does this jump shoot shit that kept hitting me. I don't really know what to say about beating him. Remember, at this point I was giving up on the game and finding other games more appealing. I literally had to devote a night to just doing whatever it takes to win. Screw it and die 300 times until I won. That's exactly what happened.
Neo Sigma
Fade in. Fade in. Fade in. Fade in. Fade in. Lol. Oh Sigma and your can't figure out how to appear anywhere. Now I read that you actually fight Zero? I never fought Zero so....WHAT HUH? Zero appeared and blew up some other evil Zero but I never fought him. Oh well. After falling into the hole you end up having to fight Neo Sigma!!!
He sucked a lot. There was way too much chaos going on with this boss. He was shooting purple balls everywhere, running at me, disappearing and attacking me out of nowhere....etc etc etc. It truly was a very difficult boss. Him and Agile were just a do whatever you can to survive kind of boss. There is no real strategy or spam attack on this guy. Expect to hit him whenever you can and use up most of your sub tanks. With me...I used up most of my power ups because I figured he probably does not have a weakness. I will never know.
Once you beat him and feel that sigh of relief....GUESS WHAT....
Sigma Virus
Good fucking luck with him! I don't even know. I became really good at fighting Neo Sigma because of this guy. I could not even begin to tell you how many times I died with him. You have no idea what his health is. You don't know if you are winning. He is impossible to avoid just about anything he shoots at you. You had better hope you have all of your sub tanks with you when you fight this guy. He shoots a red beam down at you which you can't avoid. He creates bad guys that attack you. He flies all over the screen. Then he does this disappearing crap where he reappears right on top of you. I don't know what to tell you. Good luck and I guess eventually you will win? I did. It took 32784623 lives will win eventually.......yay?
So to conclude this game...I hated it. I just thought it was stupid. I didn't like the villains. I never felt that you had to really master a technique to beat it. It was either stupidly easy or stupidly hard. With Mega Man X there was a method to winning and if you practiced enough you could master the method with the boss's weakness. Maybe with this game if I grew up with it where I played it all the time I could master some of the techniques but...I just wasn't feeling it. I did master Mega Man X so I guess it is a possibility. If you do think about it the final boss in Mega Man X2 was way cooler than the first one. I love the virus idea, and Neo Sigma was a true battle. The digital sword was an awesome battle. I guess if you mastered this game the bosses would be more enjoyable to fight. Unfortunately for me I spent the majority of my time annoyed and wondering WHY with everything. Sorry guys...I didn't like the game. I will play Mega Man X3 eventually but...thanks to this one I am just assuming the 3rd one sucks even more.
HOLD UP. I think with these Mega Man games I want to end these reviews with all of Mega Man's attack colors and attacks. He has so many and one day I would love to own a keychain of every single Mega Man...or some other type of item. Don't get me wrong...I do like Mega Man...I'm just not very good at the games. I'm trying you all!!! Give me some slack. I loved Mega Man X and I gave Mega Man X2 a try. Hated it but I tried. We will get through them all but I think it'd be cool to end these games with Mega Man's powers. Let's do that!!!
Sonic Slicer
Strike Chain
Spin Wheel
Bubble Splash
Speed Burner
Silk Shot
Magnet Mine
Crystal Hunter