Game: Mega Man X
System: SNES
OH SHIT!!! This is my game right here. I loved this game. I still love this game. I played this game throughout my whole entire childhood. I'll be honest...I am absolutely terrible at Mega Man games but this one was the only one I could actually beat. The funny part about this is that I've owned this game all the way from when I was really young to now. It was in college when I actually beat this game. I would always get to Sigma's final form but could never EVER beat it. It was one of the few games I could never beat completely. I remember jumping up and down celebrating while my roommate thought I was a complete idiot. LOOK...AFTER 23478623 YEARS I FINALLY BEAT IT. He can get over it. It was this time right now where I beat it the second time. Can you believe that? I've only beaten this game twice ever? OH WELL...GOOD TIMES.
I don't even know what the true order is because I've mastered this game so well that I was able to beat most of them in whatever order I wanted. I will just put these in the order of how I always play them and how I played it just now.
Chill Penguin
I always started out with him because he was ridiculously easy. Sometimes I've started with the flying dude that I can't remember the name of at the moment. Generally I start with Chill Penguin. All you have to do with this boss is stay to the left wall and pretty much never land on the ground. When he freezes the penguins and starts shooting he can never hit you if you are jumping on the wall. Every time he jumps for whatever reason just slide down the wall and shoot at him. He will pull the trigger at the top but like I said...shoot him when he jumps. You do that enough times and he will be dead. Easy easy!
Spark Mandrill
After Chill Penguin I always play Spark Mandrill. He becomes stupidly easy because when you fight him with the shotgun ice he immediately freezes. All you need to do is time your shoots so that when he comes out of the frozen state he will be hit again, refreezing him. This is definitely one of those bosses you can just stand there and never move. Sometimes he will manage to get one of his sparks out but all you do is JUMP. I like not moving at all bosses!
Armored Armadillo
The only reason you play him next is because once you shoot him with the electric spark his armor will fall off. He never gets the armor back and the spark is his weakness so put one and one together and this boss becomes easy. All he will do is ball up and shoot around the screen trying to hit you. You discover the pattern and just avoid being hit when he does that. After he falls out of the ball and stands there he will shoot at you. Stay on the wall and drop down to attack him a few times. Another super easy boss!
Launch Octopus
I think I am actually telling you the order you are supposed to go in. I've just naturally gone in this order, which I guess that is because it is the right order. I say this because with this boss I never used any weakness until recently when I realized that the rolling shield was his weakness. Never knew that. He was always such an enormous pain in the ass for me because of the unpredictability of his actions. You can't dodge any of his homing missiles. Every now and then he will shoot his special fish homing missiles, and that is impossible to avoid. The only thing you can manage with this boss is by sliding quickly away from him when he does the spinny brain tornado. Other than that....shoot the hell out of him. If you have the rolling shield then shoot that at him. You'll quicken the time you have to fight him.
Boomer Kuwanger
Wow. I've never once known what this guy's name was. You definitely need the homing torpedoes because that will make him much easier than he is. If you do not have the torpedoes then he is nearly impossible and a pain in the ass. He is a boss that disappears and reappears in the worse places ever. He will grab you by his horn helmet and throw you against the roof. It deals a lot of damage and it is impossible to avoid. At the same time he is throwing boomerangs everywhere. It is integral to come into this fight with a fully charged homing torpedo power. The reason for that is because when you hit him with the torpedo he disappears. When he reappears hit him again with a torpedo. He disappears again. Are you catching my drift and repetition here? As long as he guarantees a disappear after I hit him with a torpedo then he becomes really easy. Just do that until he is dead.
Sting Chameleon

Ah yes! Another boss where I never knew what his weakness was. I guess it was the boomerang crap. Once you master his movements then he becomes really easy. You will spend most of your time on the wall again because he likes to hang from the ceiling and shoot. When he starts to make the ceiling crap fall on you that is when you will run around on the ground to avoid the debris. All I did to beat him was jump on the opposite wall he is at and shoot. When the falling, shooting, and disappearing sequence ended I would jump on the opposite wall and shoot him. I never saw a reason to use a weakness on him. It'll take a few battles to get used to his movements but trust me, he is easy. I've beaten him as my first boss before.
Storm Eagle
Even this guy! I've played him as my first boss of the game too. I never knew what his weakness was either. I still don't. With him you don't really need it because he is super easy. He will shoot a tornado at you that you can easily slide underneath. Sometimes he will flap his wings at you that will blow you the other direction. Just run towards him and shoot, dumb. Sometimes he will vomit out these egg things that little birds fly out at you with. Just jump over them. The only annoying thing he does is fly from the corner of the screen to the other corner of the screen. This isn't that big of a deal because you can recognize his pattern and just jump accordingly. I've gotten so good at this I have managed to hit him during his diving sequence. Yay for me!
Flame Mammoth
This is an important picture because of the placement of megaman. This is exactly where you will stay the entire the corner. I highly recommend you get the super ability arm shooter power up whatever makes every shot more powerful. Yeah, no clue what its called. Whatever. ^_^; When you power up the storm tornado power it will create an actual up and down tornado. If you are in the corner then that up and down tornado hits him full force right there. He is an idiot and will continue jumping at you not being able to reach you. It is important to have the power up ability because the storm tornado regularly shoots horizontally. That would require you to get down on his level to hit him. Just get the power up to make your life easier.
ALRIGHT!!! Last boss battles! After you beat each of the regular bosses you have to play the special levels with their respective bosses. None of them are too hard so get ready for an easy ride.
She kind of sucks because she comes down at you very VERY VERY quickly. The background path changes every time she appears so you have to adjust your position so she won't come down and hit you. It sucks but if you have a quick eye you can be in a place she won't hit you. She will also shoot out mini spiders but power up and they die in one hit.
Rangda Bangda
WTF name is that??? Hahaha, I have never known what his name is. That is an extremely stupid name. Anyways, he is stupidly easy as well. I do not know what his weakness is because I really do not see a purpose in using it. You will spend all of your time on the wall with this one. I can't remember which eye does what but both of them come out and shoot at you in some particular order. Just avoid the shots and jump up to hit him. Once you kill the eyes the walls will come together and you have to destroy the nose. Yes, good thinking Nintendo! The nose does absolutely nothing but bounce off of the wall while you are trying to stay on the wall. You can't fall because there are spikes beneath you. Just time your sliding and destroy it. He is really easy.
D-Rex??? what??? hahaha. These names. I don't remember these names when I played it. He is kind of hard but not really. His top half will move differently then his bottom half. The biggest most crucial thing fighting him is that when he shoots the big purple ball you MUST avoid it. It deals a huge amount of damage. Luckily you can jump up the wall and avoid it. There is not much else to say about him. He is annoying and he will hit you when both halves are flying back and forth not synchronized. *shrugs* Just destroy him however you see fit. No clue what his weakness is.
I am going to lump all of these remaining into one final boss. This is Sigma's dog and he was there when the dog started attacking me. I will just consider it all one boss even though you fight his dog, him, and him again. The dog is easy. He shoots fire and you jump over it. You want to stick to the walls with this guy because he jumps onto the walls, which gives you the advantage of hitting him. There really isn't much beyond that.
OMG THE EVIL SIGMA. HE IS SO SCARY. Hah...pssshhhh. You will not fight a stupider boss in this game then this guy. They extremely screwed up with him. All he does is jump from one wall to the next wall. That's it. As he jumps back and forth wait until he jumps back and forth downwards. Just shoot him on the wall in between his jumping. That's it. Make sure you are on the wall when he lands on the ground. He will continue to wall jump until he is dead. It was incredibly surprising to see how stupid this boss was. Wall jumping??? That's it?
Wolf Sigma

This is where things begin to really suck. As a child I was never able to beat this final form. After you destroy Sigma his head will float up into this wolf thing. There is A LOT of things going on with this boss. He shoots fire that is very hard to avoid. Jump on the walls. Then he will shoot electric beams from his hands that suck because when both are going on you die quickly. Things are being shot at you and UGH TOO MUCH. The only 2 times I've ever beaten this form was when I timed my jump on one of the arms to get up to his head. Before the beam was shot I'd jump off of the hand and shoot him. It had to be very precise because getting hit by the beam or the fire messed me up royally. With some careful timing you should be able to beat him without dying and having to beat the other 2 again. I'm sure if I play him a few more times, which I'm sure I will, he won't be as hard as the 2 times I've beaten him. Oh does it feel good to beat this game. I love this game and will always love. Too bad I never really got into Mega Man X2. Maybe I just need to play it more and adapt to it like I did this one. This game is where ITS AT.