Game: X-Men Mutant Apocalypse
System: SNES
This game used to be a favorite of mine but over time it has become a huge MEH. I just finished playing the whole game and it seemed more like a 'why am I playing this' kind of feel. Maybe I am in that kind of mood right now and need to chill out but I don't really feel that much for this game. Back when I was a little kid I thought it was fun because it was one of the more serious playing ones. I do enjoy the bosses though so I cannot hate too much on that portion. I do remember this should be done in a specific order with certain people but I have long forgotten that. Some people are just better at beating the stage but OH WELL DIDNT CARE AND I STILL WON.
All of these first bosses are called Sentinel's so.....yes? Sentinel.
This is the sentinel you fight when you play the Beast's stage. The level isn't too bad either. Most of the level you just walk across the ceiling and fall down on enemies. As you fall press down and hop off of their head until you are clinging back on the ceiling. That's mostly what I did through this specific level. When you do get to the sentinel he is so stupidly easy I don't know why they waste their time. All you need to do is jump above the sentinel and press down so that you hop off of his head, like before. When you bounce up press down and hop off of his head again. Do this over and over never once touching the ground and you'll kill him. He blows up and another one pops out from the other side of the screen so you just bounce on top of him each time until he is dead. Really dumb boss.
And for Cyclop's stage the boss you fight is a....
...train? Yes. You fight a train for the boss on this stage. Out of all of the stages I hated this one the most. I don't like Cyclops to begin with and his animation control seemed very stiff. I could never get the laser thing to shoot on his eyes. I just really hated this level and was glad to see all you need to do was beat a train. Hahaha...a train? GOOD THINKING NINTENDO.
Just punch one side until it blows up. Punch the other side and win. If you want to get really fancy with it you can shoot your laser hitting both sides at the same time. FANCY.
For Gambit's stage you fight a...
....helicopter???? WTF NINTENDO??? We go from a train to a helicopter. The level isn't even hard either. With this boss you just avoid the shooting underneath the helicopter. When it takes you up to the actual helicopter you jump in and kill the pilot. That's it. Kill the pilot who does nothing and you win. Go Nintendo for this idea!
Psylocke's stage is probably the best. She has this jump kick thing where you can hop off of one bad guy over to the other bad guy and kind of do this continuous hopping on enemy heads. She is a bad ass in this level and the boss is actually somewhat difficult. First though let's just take a moment to really get to know my girl Psylocke....
.....Shit! I mean she looks damn good. I'm not even gonna lie with this one. She is a bad bitch for real.
So what were we talking about again? Oh...this bitch.
He was kind of hard. His attacks take a lot of damage and they are kind of annoying. What I did was my jump off of his head move and kept doing that while avoiding his shooting. You'll just have to get used to the way he fights. It's kind of hard to explain. I like the animation!
Wolverine's stage was alright.
I like how you climb up walls and stuff but the boss was kind of wack. He is a big head that shoots stuff at you. All you need to do is your press down attack where he dives at the enemy with his claws. You apparently become untouchable when you do this attack so it is a cheap way to hit someone. Just do that over and over and he will be dead.
Now we get into the final boss type levels. These are the bosses you must play after you've beaten each character's designated boss. With these you can choose who to be to defeat the boss.
Q. Brood
Well, this is an absolute rip off of anything to do with alien. The entire level there are these flying alien looking things that are INCREDIBLY ANNOYING. They bite you and it takes forever to get them off as well as hurt you extensively. You just need to get through the level slowly and carefully until you get to the queen herself. Come on is this not an Alien rip off? He is easy too to beat. Your main problem will be avoiding the damn flying insects. Attack the queen's head when she jumps and its arm is not extended. You are capable of destroying her arm but it is completely unnecessary. Why waste your time almost dying with the arm and insects when you can just time your jumps and attack the actual head? She really isn't that difficult to beat. I like the stage though...even if it is a rip off.
This motherfucker right here was a pain in the ass. He literally is impossible to beat. I do not know how to legitimately fight him one on one without getting my ass kicked. These little mini parasite like things come out of his head that gnaw at you. You become temporarily stunned as you are trying to get these shits off of you but by the time you do he has managed a very powerful attack on you. I truly do not know how to fight him head on. find a way to cheat!!! I found the best way ever to spam attack him until he is dead. All you need to do is first be Beast because of his punch. Stand on the top left platform and punch any of the little shits that come out of his head. One hit will kill them. Eventually Tusk will leap upwards. That is your chance to punch because your arm is low enough to hit him. It is long and tedious fighting him but just stand your ground on top of the left platform. Slowly but surely you will hit him enough and he will be dead. Spam killing sometimes is the best way to go!
Impossible. I thought Tusk was impossible to fight unless you spam killed him but this guy literally is impossible. I don't have any idea how to explain how to kill him. He is the biggest pain in the ass boss of the entire game. He disappears and reappears all over the screen. He will do this extraordinarily quick drill attack that crosses the entire screen. He does it so fast you don't even have the chance to know what to press. The worse part about this battle is that if you are near him he will pop out all these spikes on his body preventing you from fighting close combat. He also shoots fire at you. I don't really know how to explain a better solution of beating him. There really isn't. What I did was press everything and hope you get a hit first before his damn drill. A few million deaths later you just get lucky and win. Yes, you will be using the password a lot to refight this boss. He would have been a fantastic final boss.
Omega Red
How do you go from Apocalypse to this dumb bitch? He was insultingly easy. With Wolverine all you need to do is your jump press down and glide down with your claw attack. It hits him every time. Just stand on the platform and when he drops down to hit you just do the jump down claw attack. Don't get too close because he will do this annoying waving his tentacles at you. You can easily spam attack him and what is better is that there is no stage before fighting him. You just....fight him. I thought the level background was awesome in this boss too. It changes! ^_^
Hahaha. After Apocalypse it seems Nintendo just kind of gave up. This boss is even stupider than Omega Red. The spam killing on him is ridiculous. All you need to do is be Beast and Beast Bounce his head. He holds his eyes and backs up. The End. Avoid his punches and just bounce on his head. That's it. Nothing more here. Again with the dope background!
Now hold up....if anyone has ever played this game will know that these next stages are based entirely on the character. The boss within each character is different but after you defeat that specific boss it takes you immediately to Magneto. You must choose a boss that you feel most comfortable beating and fight Magneto after it. I am not going to sit here and explain each boss within each character because it was not part of my gameplay. I always chose Wolverine because I know I can beat Magneto when I beat the boss within the stage. I wanted to make sure I had Wolverine when I fought Magneto. I've played all of the other bosses within each character stage but I can't beat Magneto with any of them so I don't want to talk about those bosses here. If you want to see whatever other optional bosses you want to fight before you fight Magneto then gladly go on Google to check them out. Most of the other bosses are bullshit but that's ok. I am lucky because Wolverine's boss is super easy. I want to be fully healed when I fight Magneto so his boss is a joke.
HOLD UP AGAIN....I forgot to mention Exodus.
You fight him too. I want to mention him because he is a cool boss to beat. He is very easy to fight if you can manage to stay away from him grabbing you. He will grab you and throw you to the ground doing a great deal of damage. He is pretty hard to fight but what is unique about him is the fact that you can only beat HALF of him. He vanishes when you reach half of his health. Why? I don't know. What his point is in this clue. He seems cool and I feel like mentioning him. Get over it.
OK....uh....the final boss. Yes. Playing Wolverine you have to fight this machine...
This is by far the stupidest thing in this game too. I'm so glad you fight him before you fight Magneto because this is a joke. The platforms around the machine spin very very quickly. The center shoots at you while the platforms spin. What you do is so stupid to beat him. Sit on one of the platforms. Duck. And punch forwards. That's it. Even if the platforms are spinning around him quickly...just stay on the platform and attack while ducking. You will hit him every time you go around in circles. When the platforms slow down and stop due to them reversing you kind of have to maneuver to not get hit by the middle firing but it's nothing too difficult. Just stay on the platform and duck. Once you defeat him you finally fight Magneto....the final boss.
This boss layout was really cool looking. He hovers in the middle of the screen with this huge magnetic sphere around him. Don't touch it because it hurts you and no matter how many times you strike it you won't do crap to him. As long as that sphere is around him you can't hurt him. While he is hovering, impossible to hit he brings forth pieces of metal that quickly home in on you at fast speeds. You have to time where they will shoot so you can avoid being hit. It's not too hard to do that. The trick is how the hell do you hit him? He will eventually drop the force field but it is only for half a second. LITERALLY. It is a split second that the sphere goes away. It is right after the metal pieces come flying at you. What I do is jump and do the down claw attack which destroys the metal and hits him before the sphere comes up. You'll get used to this pattern quickly because there is no other way to attack him. I'm telling you...the jump, press down, glide claw attack is your best friend in this game. I have never been able to hit Magneto with any other person in the game. This is why I choose Wolverine when I fight him. I simply don't know how to attack him with anyone else. It is a simple and quick way to spam attack Magneto.
That's it. Once he is dead you have beaten the game. Yay! I still do not feel much for this game. It was good though. I just am never in the mood to dive right in and LOVE playing this. It might be a MEH game forever. Who knows. I do know what I will never get over in this game...
Are you for real right now??? I mean shit. This bitch looks DAMN GOOD. SHIT. Invite Psylocke over to my house any time....shit!