Game: Donkey Kong Country 2
System: SNES
This game was incredible. There is no Donkey Kong game better than this one. Whoever ran the music department of this game should win every game award. I love this game to death. The introduction of Diddy was a perfect addition. Her hair twirling/ floating action made this even more fun. Every aspect of this game was perfect. I loved the villains, bad guys, art, music, and worlds. This was the first time they introduced a 2 final boss setup. You beat the boss but you still had to beat the FINAL FINAL boss. Also, I loved the special Krem world. It was the only time I ever actually wanted to get all of the Krem coins. I never was a fan of finding every bonus barrel but with this incentive I most definitely did. Yes, I am aware of the first level cheat to get all of the krem coins, but hell yeah I legitimately found every bonus barrel. I never knew about the cheat until the internet became a huge answer-to-everything option.
Boss 1: Mini Necky

I loved this world. It was on a boat. The music was fantastic. It was easy. You can't go wrong with this world. When you reach the final boss Mini Necky was super easy. All you need to do is throw eggs at him. I guess Master Necky's son turned into a badass pirate. This world was a great start of this game.
Boss 2: Kleever

This world was ok. It was just lava stuff. I liked the idea of this boss. You fight a massive sword for some reason that I guess no one will ever know. He wasn't hard at all but I thought it was a clever idea to fight a sword and hang from all of those hooks. Don't forget about the 2 banana coins in the corner.
Boss 3: Kudgel

I hated this world. This world was the only world I just wanted to get through as quick as possible. I did not like the stages. The music wasn't the best in this world. Ugh, I just wanted to get through and be done. However, I did like the boss. He looks awesome and I remember when I first played him I could not figure out how to beat him. Every time he would jump down and stun me I'd be dead. After understanding how easy he truly was it was a breeze. I'm ready to fight his brother blocking the Krem world.
Boss 4: King Zing

This was by far one of the best worlds. This was when you were able to run around in the mine cart! The racing level was always my favorite from this world. It took many MANY lives to figure out how to get first place. You have to really remember that level and have quick reflexes. King Zing was a great boss too. He was way more fierce than Queen B from the other game. I loved his final form when he popped out all of those little bees. They did well with this world and boss. It was a nice touch to race King Zing in one of the stages.
Boss 5: Kreepy Krow

Why is it that at some point near the end of the game Nintendo gives up on creating new bosses? I'll admit he is harder than the first one but come on. The true difficulty with this boss is climbing up to him when the eggs are shooting at you from everywhere. He should have been the first boss. Fantastic world though!
Final Boss: Kaptain K. Rool

I loved this boss. They did really well with the boss battle here. It was long and you could not screw up. The clouds that he shot out of the gun was a great touch because it really messed you up when avoiding his spikey balls. I am assuming he is the same K. Rool but as a captain and a pirate? Beating him felt good. I will tell you what DID NOT feel good. It was that stupid race against the bird in the level before K. Rool. I hate that race. I hope that black bird dies. I also hate how when you finally do beat him you have to go all the way and do it again to get the DK coin. Many lives were lost in the race.

OH MY GOODNESS. Right when you thought you won you completely did not at all win. Once you get all of the Krem coins and beat the levels in Krem world, WHICH by the way were not easy, you fight K. Rool for real. I absolutely out of every donkey kong level hate the stage where you are all of the animal friends. That was one super long and annoying level. I used to scream and yell every time I died because it'd take forever to get back to where I was. But, once you get to fight K. Rool again he is easy. I guess they tried to throw some last minute difficulty to end the game. He wasn't nearly as difficult as he was when you fought him at the top of the mountain. It was a nice touch to end the game though.
HOLD UP. I just became aware that in the Gameboy advance version of this game there was another boss named Kerozene. Never heard of him. I guess that means I'll have to add that to my list of games that I must beat. I must play this new boss. Exciting...I think.