Game: Mario Bros
System: NES
Are you serious right now? This is where it all began. This is the birth of Nintendo even though it wasn't. I'll never forget when I first played this game. I'll admit this game is insanely difficult. I admire people who can play through this like nothing. I am a Mario master when it comes to video games but this one and Mario 2 always seem to be a pain in the ass. The simplicity of this game just makes this game ridiculously difficult. I hate how if you lose all of your lives you go back to the beginning. When I play this I HAVE to use the warp pipes to other worlds. Generally when I play this game I will play as far as possible until I get a game over. Then I will just find the warp pipe and continue with more lives until I die again. Eventually you will make it to the final boss. The only time I have ever played this game from start to end was when there were save points. I don't know where I played a version of this with save points but I did and I know it was an SNES game. It had the lost levels on it too. In any case, this game is a famous one and always a favorite. I don't understand why it is so incredibly cheap at conventions or places they sell this game but oh well. I literally own like 3 copies of this. YES, duck hunt included!
Boss 1...and every other boss
This Guy!!!
You fight him 8 times. The 8th time is the real bowser. After you beat him you begin the long and tediously annoying process of saving...

....this bitch!

...or more like this hoe.
I am 100% certain that peach wants to be caught because she likes it freaky with Bowser. I've always rooted for Bowser. I'd catch Peach in my castle and lock her up any time!