Name: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
System: SNES
OH. M. GGGGGG. This game is obviously the best game in the planet. THIS IS WHERE IT'S AT!!! Hahahaha. I don't really know what to say about this game. It is a game I can sit down and beat in less than an hour without ever dying.
Boss 1: Bones

There is really nothing to say about any of these bosses. HARDEST ONE EVER. lol
Boss 2: Gnarly Gnome

Best name ever. 10/10. He was actually really annoying on this game. He teleports all over the place and when he appears he shoots. You have to time everything just right without getting hit. This called for 'hit everything everywhere' method. It worked!
Boss 3: Eye Guy

Avoid him shooting lasers at you. Oh and avoid him shooting at you with ball lasers when he is floating around as just an eye. ........so yeah.
Boss 4: Genie

Sorry about the picture. I can't get one larger because life sucks. I always liked this boss. He actually acted like a real boss and was somewhat, not really, but kind of hard boss. He required you to dodge a lot of crap and was difficult to hit. Also, he is a genie and genies are cool. He looks cool too.
Boss 5: Dark Warrior

I don't know why everyone thought this guy was hard. They say he was one of the hardest bosses in the game. I would always use the black ranger to kill him and it was super easy. I mean yes he does a lot of stuff by warping, jumping, and throwing crap at you but he was methodical. You could adapt really quickly. Easy. He does look dope though! I'd cosplay as him.

......eh.....maybe not. U.S Military Ninja??
Boss 6: Mutitus

What the hell name is that? Good luck pronouncing that. He was cool though. It felt like a real battle and you could quickly screw yourself up with him. I like the Mortal Kombat feel this battle had. If only they had fatalities in this game.
Final Boss: Cyclopsis (Form 1)

This is form one and he is pretty easy. I think his form one is way easier then the previous boss. I like how this form makes you think you have easily won the game. Don't get too low with your health because his second form can be a doozy.
Final Boss: Cyclopsis (Form 2)

This is his second form. He turns gold and gains 2 little spikey things on his neck. He is actually fairly difficult because he has some pretty high damaging attacks. I remember I used to die a lot when I got to him because...thank you game for not letting me regain my health from the first form. When I play him I remember to always keep him cornered and know how to block. You'll be blocking a lot.

Oh the joy I had when I first won this game and saw this screen!!! I freakin LOVED power rangers back then. How about that Kimberly though.........mmmhhmmm....just sayin....